Democratic Presidential Debate through Twitter

After the first debate, Senator Kamala Harris and Andrew Yang gained the largest number of Twitter followers after the first Democratic Presidential Primary Debate. Kamala Harris v. Joe Biden face off on federal busing has been pointed as one of the highlights of the debate, as Senator Harris shared her personal stories to discuss racial issues. We suspect that the public became curious to know more about Andrew Yang, who relatively spoke little during the debate. We find it super interesting to see the cross-over impact of the national debate on TV networks on social media platforms where the audiences likely seek for information on individual candidates or engage in further discussion regarding the issues raised during the debate.

Added Tulsi Gabbard and Cory Booker to the visualization after the second debate. Andrew Yang is still gaining a lot of momentum. On the other hand, Kamal Harris’s number has been slowing down. Elizabeth Warren’s followers has been steadily increasing compared to the rest of candidates.

June 24th – August 4th, 2019