Specialists In Data Refining, Analysis, and Visualization

 SoDAVi is a group of experts leading the effort of data collection and analysis
to help the Korean-American community make better decisions and policies.

Data Collection

Gathering information of interest in a systematic manner to answer relevant questions

Gathering information of interest in a systematic manner to answer relevant questions

Data Processing

A series of operations on data from data cleaning, sorting, and refining

A series of operations on data from data cleaning, sorting, and refining


A process of inspecting, transforming with the goal of discovering useful information

A process of inspecting, transforming with the goal of discovering useful information


Statistical graphics, plots, or animation that helps communicate information clearly and efficiently

Statistical graphics, plots, or animation that helps communicate information clearly and efficiently

Explore Recent Projects

We explore various fields that could benefit from data-driven solution, from public policy, safety, and health, to transportation, economic development, and education and more.

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Social Data Analysis & Visualization

That is what we do. That is who we are.

Let us know what you want to learn from your data!